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The Eternal Return of the Dark – ABU NEINs official release party
28 juni, 2023 @ 20:00 – 22:00
Klubb Kalabalik & ABU NEIN welcomes you to this release party of the album “II”. The new album will be played live in its entirety but also old gems will haunt you this evening. The new album explores themes of darkness, mysticism, and the unknown, making it a must-have for any fan of darkwave or goth music. On stage at 21.00
We are also proud to announce:
Special guest DJ: Henric de la Cour. Dj before and after the show.
And more surprises to come….
Pris: 150 kr
Köp biljett
Legend says that Abu Nein shares a song title with the blues musician and songwriter Robert Johnson (1911-1938), viz. “Love in Vain”. The story goes that Johnson went to a crossroads at midnight and signed off his soul with the devil – and in exchange he received a gift. Over one night, he became the best blues songwriter and guitar player ever. Abu Nein’s music is also draped in shadows. A warning is in order: Quite conceivably their souls belong to the dark powers as well.
Abu Nein is perhaps also the only band that not only sells records, t-shirts and patches, but also merch such as ouija boards and death flutes. This night will not be an exception.